Week 1 & 2
Week 1 Assignments:
Assignment 1: Chapter 1 in Art of the Start Reading Due 9/29/2024 at Midnight
Contact TA for Reading Material
Assignment 2: Opportunity ID1
Week 2 Assignments:
Assignment 1: UCSD Makers Space Waiver and Training Video Due by October 6th at Midnight
In preparation for Lab 2, all students need to complete the Waiver for use of the UCSD Makerspace, which is on the 2nd floor of Design and Innovation Building (DIB).
Go to: => https://makerspace.ucsd.edu/ => Getting Started (on upper right) => Complete the DocuSign waiver.
Watch one video of your choice about equipment training.
Assignment 2: Customer Discovery Videos by Steve Blank by October 8th by Midnight
Answer the following questions on a google doc and email to TA before deadline:
What is the problem with delegating Customer Discovery to someone besides the founders?
What is wrong with starting an interview with jumping into an explanation of your design solution?
What is the benefit of creating a pass/fail experiment? (Steve Blank does not explicitly state the answer; I am looking for your interpretation based upon other aspects of the video.)
What is the overall goal of Customer Discovery?
Rate this reading assignment in terms of its educational value (your honest opinion)
a. Very Low☹☹ b. Low☹ c. Average😐 d. High☺ e. Very High☺☺
Assignment 3: Lean Startup be Eric Ries Due by October 8th by Midnight
Contact TA for Reading Materials
Answer the following questions and email to TA before deadline:
What was the leap of faith (i.e. hypothesis) that the Sony Walkman designers had to address?
What was the leap of faith (i.e. hypothesis) that the iPod designers had to address?
What is the benefit of defining an customer profile and archetype?
What was Dropbox's file synchronization software their MPV?
What is Wizard of Oz testing?
Rate this reading assignment in terms of its educational value (your honest opinion)
a. Very Low☹☹ b. Low☹ c. Average😐 d. High☺ e. Very High☺☺
Assignment 4: Critique Dr. Delson’s ID1 on the Garbage Can and Flies Due by October 8th at Midnight
Review Dr. Delson ID 1 again
Answer the following questions and email to TA before deadline:
What technical problems do you see with the proposed solution?
What business problems do you see with the proposed solution? They can lack of early adopters that have a compelling need, fiscal constraints, or regulatory constraints.
Can you come up with an improved concept, but still relates to garbage and flies?